Homemade Makeup Recipes
Homemade Makeup Recipes KATIE - WELLNESS MAMA 197 COMMENTS I get a lot of questions about natural makeup options, and this was definitely one of the tougher things for me to find natural alternatives for. In college, I practically collected makeup, and had endless tubes and compacts of makeup that never even got half used. While there are some good natural alternatives that you can buy (see list below), the cheapest, easiest and most natural way is to just make your own, and you might have all of the ingredients in your kitchen already! Natural Skin Care What you do to your skin before you use makeup is just as important as the makeup you use and there are some great natural options for skin care. Personally, I’m a microfiber convert, and only use microfiber products with natural silver fibers (antibacterial) for washing my face and for make-up removal. This is truly the most natural option you can use, since you don’t even need soap (and microfiber is grea...